1 /**
2  * Defines channel objects layer.
3  *
4  * A channel is a message delivery mechanism that forwards a message from a
5  * sender to one receiver.
6  */
7 module dolina.channel;
9 import std.exception;
10 import serial.device;
11 /**
12  * Defines a basic HostLink channel
13  */
14 interface IHostLinkChannel {
15    /**
16     * Reads a message from channel
17     *
18     * Returns: message read
19     */
20    string read();
22    /**
23     * Writes a message on channel
24     *
25     * Params:  message = The message being sent on the channel.
26     */
27    void write(string message);
28 }
30 /**
31  * Channel based on serial RS232 communication
32  */
33 class HostLinkChannel: IHostLinkChannel {
34    private SerialPort serialPort;
35    this(SerialPort serialPort) {
36       enforce(serialPort !is null);
37       this.serialPort = serialPort;
38    }
40    string read() {
41       enum START = 0x40; // @
42       enum END = 0x0D;  // CR
43       bool inside;
45       ubyte[1] buffer;
46       ubyte[] reply;
47       ubyte b;
48       do {
49          immutable(size_t) length = serialPort.read(buffer);
50          if (length > 0) {
51             b = buffer[0];
52             if (b == START) {
53                inside = true;
54             }
55             if (inside) {
56                reply ~= b;
57             }
58          }
60       } while (b != END);
61       return cast(string)(reply).idup;
62    }
64    void write(string message) {
65       serialPort.write(cast(void[])message);
66    }
67 }